۱۳۸۸ خرداد ۷, پنجشنبه

Mohammad :

صلوات بر فاطمه (سلام‌الله‌عليها)
رسول خدا (صلّی ‌‌الله‌ عليه‌ وآله):
يا فاطِمَةُ! مَنْ صَلَّى عَلَيْكِ غَفَرَ اللهُ لَهُ وألْحَقَهُ بِي حَيْثُ كُنْتُ مِنَ الْجَنَّةِ.
ای فاطمه! هر كه بر تو درود فرستد، خداوند او را ببخشايد و در جايگاهم در بهشت به من ملحق كند.
Mohammad:O Fātimah, if someone utters Salawāt upon you, God will forgive him and lead him to my position in paradise.
بحار الأنوار، ج 43، ص 55

Ahmadinejad Defends Presence in US Backyard

TEHRAN (FNA)- Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad defended his government's strategy of prioritizing Latin America in Iran's foreign policy.

In a Radio program broadcast on Wednesday, Ahmadinejad lashed out at critics of his government's foreign policies.

"One of these gentlemen (rival candidates) still cannot understand the world affairs and this is why he asks us why we have focused on Latin America," Ahmadinejad was qouted by Press tv as saying.

His remarks were made after presidential hopeful Mir-Hossein Mousavi slammed the Ahmadinejad government's policy of getting closer to Latin American states.

"Instead of investing in Iran's neighboring countries, the government has focused on Latin American states and focused on them. The President has obviously failed to get his priorities right," said Moussavi in his first televised speech.

"When the Western countries were trying to isolate Iran, we went to the US backyard and I even delivered my strongest anti-US speech in Nicaragua," Ahmadinejad hit back at Mousavi.

"Our active presence in Latin America was a very wise move," he added.

Earlier this month, the US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, said that she was "deeply disturbed" by Iran's close relations and growing influence in Latin America, which the US considers as its strategic backyard.

۱۳۸۸ اردیبهشت ۳۰, چهارشنبه

شاخص بورس 9 هزار واحدي شد

فارس گزارش مي‌دهد: بعد از 158 روز
شاخص بورس 9 هزار واحدي شد

خبرگزاري فارس: شاخص بورس بعد از 158 روز امروز خط مقاومت 9 هزار واحدي را شكست و وارد كانال جديدي از روند صعودي شد.

به گزارش خبرنگار اقتصادي خبرگزاري فارس، شاخص كل بورس در حالي ساعت 41/9 دقيقه 23 آذر سال 87 در نتيجه روند منفي قيمت سهام غالب شركت هاي از كانال 9 هزار واحدي خداحافظي و ناخواسته وارد ارقام 8 هزار رقمي شده‌ بود كه امروز بالاخره موفق به ورود مجدد به ارقام 9 هزار واحدي شد.
براساس اين گزارش، اين اتفاق در شرايطي بعد از گذشت 158 روز از نزول شاخص به كانال 8 هزار واحدي رخ داد كه شركت‌هاي پالايش نفت اصفهان با 8/12 واحد، مپنا با 1/6، بانك تجارت با 6/5 و پتروشيمي خارك با 9/4، چادرملو با 7/3 و مخابرات با 3/2 واحد اثر مثبت بيشترين نقش را برعهده داشتند.
از جانب ديگر، دماسنج بازار سهام در اواخر اسفند سال گذشته بر روي عدد 7 هزار و 966 واحد بود كه با رويداد امروز بورس ، در عرض كمتر از دو ماه شاخص كل بورس نه تنها بيش از 1000 واحد جهش داشت بلكه طي سال جاري موفق به شكستن دو خط مقاومت 8 و 9 هزار واحدي شد.
براين اساس و با توجه به اينكه هنوز فصل مجامع شركت‌ها ادامه دارد انتظار مي‌رود طي روزهاي آينده روند صعودي قيمت سهام شركت‌ها و در نتيجه شاخص كل بورس تداوم يابد.
به اعتقاد سيد شمس الدين حسيني وزير امور اقتصاد رشد هزار واحدي شاخص كل بورس ناشي از عواملي چون بالارفتن قيمت نفت ، بيهوده بودن ترس سرمايه گذاران از ركود بخش سرمايه گذاري ، عرضه 5 درصدي سهام بانك ملت در سال گذشته و ايجاد نشاط است.

۱۳۸۸ اردیبهشت ۱۸, جمعه

Ahmadinejad : Good President

Tehran, May 8, IRNA – IRI President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said here Friday elections is a national celebration and a nationwide covenant in sacred system of IR of Iran, aimed at insisting over ideals collectively and movement towards high values of system.

According to IRNA Political Desk reporter, Ahmadinejad who was visiting the Elections Headquarters to register as a candidate for the 10th IRI Presidential Election, added in an interview with reporters, “(Participation at) elections is a basic right of people and a practical practice, without constant participation and supervision of people at it, possibility for materializing objectives and ideals would not exist.”
Pointing out that basically the movement in our system belongs to the people, he said, “Any election held in the country should serve as the zero point of a new movement, a platform for moving towards higher peaks, and a new beginning for our nation.”
President Ahmadinejad said, “The elections scene is the scene for the presence of the entire nation, the emergence of wills, and the establishment of new conditions and a new movement.”
He reiterated, “The elections must serve as a means for strengthening the bonds of kindnesses and brotherhood; the elections should strengthen the bonds of national solidarity and serve as an incentive for the nation for faster movement towards advancement and perfection.”
The IRI president pointed out that the Iranian nation has set foot in the divine Right Path and relying on national will and pubic solidarity spends efforts aimed at establishing a model society.
He added, “Our society must be an ideal model for the entire world nations and blessed living standards should exist and be implemented in every corner of the Iranian society.”
Ahmadinejad reiterated, “Today the Iranian nation is moving towards the peaks of prosperity and grandeur; the great Iranian nation is divinely determined to move towards the peaks of prosperity and grandeur with its unique Jihadi movement, demanding comprehensive advancement and perfection resolutely.”
He added, “Today the Iranian nation is blossoming at various cultural, political, social and economic fields, taking sure, long strides towards the peaks, one after the other sagaciously.”
The President of the Islamic Republic of Iran reiterated, “In the culture of the Iranian nation and the (political) system that has emerged our of the grandeur of the nation, serving is a credit and serving the nation is in fact a divine opportunity and a blessing, because our nation deserves (receiving good) service.”
Ahmadinejad said, “Serving the Iranian nation is the greatest pride, since this nation deserves receiving all kinds of selfless services.”
The president added, “A nation that is determined to establish a model society and is moving in the path of the society attributed to the 12th Imam, is dear, prestigious and close to God, in the eyes of Almighty Creator, the divine angles, and the noble nations of the world.”
He said, “The Iranian nation is today the standard bearer of justice seeking, prosperity, and prestige of human beings around the globe and stands bravely and mightily over its global path.”
The IRI president added, “I appreciate the unique solidarity, exemplary unity, and ideals demanding of the Iranian nation.”
Ahmadinejad pointed out that the elections is a noble phenomena and in each elections we need to move one step closer to achieving our goals.
He added, “The atmosphere of elections should be exciting, dynamic and thoughtful and in such an atmosphere frankness, truthfulness and kindnesses should abound.”
Noting that the 10th Presidential Election is ahead, he said, “The entire wealth of the nation should come to the scene at the elections, since it is there that the fate of the next four years of the Islamic Iran is determined, and in order to materialize that objective we are in need of a logical, just, friendly and brotherly atmosphere.”
Ahmadinejad emphasized, “The elections belong to the entire nation to an extent that when the exalted (supreme) leader announces on the first day of the (Iranian) New Year that he has just one vote, he is drawing a beautiful image for everyone to be able to take to the scene their entire capabilities, thoughts, initiatives and programs, and on that basis, we should try to organize the elections in best possible way.”
Ahmadinejad said, “As a servant of the nation and a member of the Iranian society, I, too, have one vote, and I must take advantage of my entire capabilities so that we can have the best elections and elect the best.”

best flower

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گل  بابونه یاد آور خاطرات خوب دوران کودکی  و  چای بابونه  طعم  ملس  طبیعت  و من  یا بهتر  بگویم  ما  در  انتظار  ایرانی  سرشار  از  تازگی  و  نشاط  و  شادابی  به  تازگی و  نشاط  و  شادابی  گل  های  بابونه  در  آغازین  روزهای فروردین