۱۳۸۸ مهر ۲, پنجشنبه

President Ahmadinejad

Ahmadinejad: Continuation of world’s status quo impossible

New York, Sept 24, IRNA – IRI President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said in his address at 64th Un General Assembly here Wednesday continuation of status quo in today’s world is impossible.

President Ahmadinejad, who began his address thanking Almighty God for having granted him the chance to attend the “important global assembly”, said that he had already spoken to world leaders about the major challenges with which the world nations have been entangled during the past four years.
He added, “I have also referred to such problems’ roots and causes and the need for reviewing and revising the mentality of the world powers and the need for devising new strategies aimed at solving them.
“I have also reiterated the need for a drastic change in type of viewing and dealing with the human beings and the world developments and to establish new justice seeking and humane systems aimed at constructing a bright future.”
Ahmadinejad said that “today” he wished to continue that discussion.
“It goes without saying that continuation of the status quo of the world is quite impossible. The present unsatisfactory unilateral conditions are against the innate nature of the human beings and in direct contrast against the goal behind the creation of the human beings and the universe.
“It is no longer possible to increase wealth artificially by printing paper money, amounting up to tens of billion dollars without real baking for it, and to inject it into the veins of the world economy and to transfer severe budget deficits into the other countries’ economies by transferring their wealth to certain countries.
“The unleashed economy machine of capitalism that had been unjustly set has now reached the end of its way and is now out of order and this unilateral equation does not work any longer.”
“Time is now over for some people to present their own definitions of democracy and freedom and to consider themselves as the meter sticks for the authenticity of such definitions, under such conditions that they themselves are breaching the same norms before anyone else. They play the roles of the judge, the prosecutor and the executioner all by themselves and meanwhile they act against the countries where true democracy is observed.
“Expansion of freedoms around the globe and the awareness of the world nations will not permit them to keep on pursuing the same wrong path any longer and that is the reason why most world nations, including the Americans, are longing for drastic, deep, and real changes and welcome the change motto.”

“Who thinks the continuation of the inhumane policies in Palestine is still possible? Chasing away a nation from its own motherland for over 60 years and launching brutal attacks against them using the entire forbidden weapons, while blocking the path for legitimate defense for them, and more amazingly, doing so before the wide open eyes of the amazed world nations calling the aggressors ‘peace lovers’ and calling the oppressed people ‘terrorists’.

“It is not possible to chant friendship and cooperation mottos with the world nations and meanwhile establish larger military barracks in various parts of the world, including in Latin America.
“It is not acceptable that the United Nations and its Security Council that should be the representatives of the nations and the governments and decision makings at them should be based on most democratic, most egalitarian methods, would be under the reign of a few governments, serving merely their interests and obeying their orders.
“Basically, in a world where logic, culture, and public opinion count, continuation of such a status quo is impossible and emergence of a drastic evolution is an inescapable necessity.
“The second point;
“Changes and evolutions need to take place both at theoretical sphere and in practice, in structures and in methods, basically and at grass-root level.
“The hegemonic liberalist and capitalist mentalities that detach the human beings from their ethical systems and from the heaven, not only present them no salvation, but also lead them towards misery, including wars, poverty and various types of deprivation.

“The political and economic structures emerged from the aftermaths of World War II that are among the bodies established aimed at strengthening the foundations of hegemony over the entire world have failed in harbingering sustainable justice and security.
“Those leaders whose hearts do not beat with love for the mankind and have sacrificed the idea of justice in their souls can never be the harbingers of peace and friendship for the mankind as gifts.
“By grace of God, just like Marxism that has become a memory in the history, the expansionist capitalism, too, will soon have to be found only in history books, because based on one of the divine traditions, referred to in Glorious Qur’an as a rule, ‘trickery would float over the water like bubbles, and the only thing that would remain (after a flood) is that which would benefit the people.’

“The third point;
“The main secret and mystery behind the entire problems with which the global community is entangled is that a group of the world leaders have been distanced from ethical values and the teachings of divine prophets.
“Unfortunately in many major global relations instead of love and self-sacrifice aimed at saving the others, working for their well beings, and justice seeking, what is observed is selfishness, unquenchable thirst for more and more (wealth), and individuals’ (pursuing of) unlimited hedonist (objectives).

“The fourth point;
“I believe there are a number of important tasks before each one of us, and the UN Secretary General can be the pioneer and do the necessary planning accordingly:
1. Reforming the apparatus of the UN and changing it into an up-dated, popular, neutral, free, just and effective organ acting in global relations; reforming the structure of the Security Council and annulling the discriminatory veto right; granting the Palestinians their denied rights fully and immediately after organizing a comprehensive, free referendum and paving the path for peaceful coexistence among the Muslim, the Christian and the Jewish citizens of Palestine, while ending interferences in the affairs of the peoples in Iraq, the Middle East, in Africa, in Latin America, in Asia and in Europe.
2. Reforming the global economic structure and establishing ethical, humane economic relations in the world, so that they would be at the service of the human beings based on true justice.

3. Reforming the international political relations; structuring the new relations based on sustainable peace and friendship, uprooting the devastating arms and political races, as well as the atomic, chemical and biological weapons, and paving the path for everyone to be benefited from peaceful advanced technologies at the service of the advancement of the entire mankind.
4. Reforming the cultural structures, respecting the indigenous cultures of nations, promoting ethical values, spirituality and the warm foundations of fortunate and sustainable families as the backbones of auspicious societies.
5. Collective endeavor for preservation of the human environment and abiding by the international rules and regulations aimed at safeguarding the non-renewable natural resources.
“The fifth point;
“The Iranian nation has left behind a very glorious, totally free election, and marked a new chapter of national blossoming and broad global interactions with their landslide votes, putting the heavy weigh of responsibility on my shoulders.

Long live justice and freedom!
And may Allah’s greetings and blessings be upon you all.

۱۳۸۸ شهریور ۲۵, چهارشنبه

Imam Khomeini and qods day

القضية الفلسطينية في كلمات الإمام الخميني( قدس سره)

- بيت المقدس ملك للمسلمين وقبلتهم الأولى.

- على الجميع أن يعلموا أن هدف الدول الكبرى من إيجاد إسرائيل لا يقف عند احتلال فلسطين، فهؤلاء يخططون -نعوذ بالله- للوصول بكل الدول العربية إلى نفس المصير الذي وصلت إليه فلسطين.

- ألم يدرك القادة بعد، أن المفاوضات السياسية مع الساسة المحترفين والجناة التاريخيين، لن تنقذ القدس ولبنان، وأنّها تزيد الجرائم والظلم.

- نحن ندعم وبشكل كامل نضال الأخوة الفلسطينيين والسكان في جنوب لبنان ضد إسرائيل الغاصبة.

- نحن سنكون على الدوام حماةً للأخوة الفلسطينيين والعرب.

- يجب علينا أن ننهض جميعاً للقضاء على إسرائيل، وتحرير الشعب الفلسطيني البطل.

- إن من الضروري إحياء يوم القدس المتزامن مع ليلة القدر من قبل المسلمين ليكون بداية لصحوتهم ويقظتهم.

- على المسلمين أن يعتبروا يوم القدس يوماً لجميع المسلمين، بل لجميع المستضعفين.

- إن تحرير القدس، وكف شر هذه الجرثومة الفاسدة عن البلاد الإسلامية هو في الأساس واجب كل المسلمين.

- إن مسألة القدس ليست مسألة شخصية، وليست خاصة ببلدٍ ما، ولا هي مسألة خاصة بالمسلمين في العصر الحاضر، بل هي قضية كل الموحدين والمؤمنين في العالم، السالفين منهم والمعاصرين واللاحقين.

- القدس ملك المسلمين ويجب أن تعاد إليهم.

- يوم القدس هو يوم الإسلام.

- يوم القدس هو اليوم الذي يجب أن يتقرر فيه مصير الشعوب المستضعفة.

- يوم القدس يوم عالمي، لا يختص بالقدس فقط، إنه يوم مواجهة المستضعفين للمستكبرين.

- يوم القدس، يوم يجب أن يحيا فيه الإسلام.

- يوم القدس يوم حياة الإسلام.

Imam Khomeini and israil

الكيـان الغاصب للقـدس ((إسرائيل))في كلمات الإمام الخميني( قدس سره)

- إنني أرى أن تأييد مشروع قيام إسرائيل والاعتراف بحدود لها، فاجعة بالنسبة للمسلمين وكارثة بالنسبة للدول الإسلامية.

- إن الكيان الإسرائيلي الغاصب، مع ما يطمح من أهداف يمثل خطراً عظيماً على الإسلام وبلاد المسلمين.

- على الأخوة والأخوات أن يدركوا أن أمريكا وإسرائيل معاديتان للإسلام من الأساس.

- إن الحلم المجنون لإسرائيل الكبرى، يدفع هؤلاء الصهاينة لارتكاب أية جريمة.

- لتعلم الشعوب العربية، والأخوة اللبنانيون والفلسطينيون بأن كل مآسيهم إنما هي بسبب إسرائيل وأمريكا.

- إن إسرائيل تعتبر بنظر الإسلام والمسلمين وكلّ الموازين الدولية غاصبة ومعتدية، ونحن نرى أن من غير الجائز التهاون والتساهل في الوقوف بوجه اعتداءاتها.

- لقد قلت مراراً ولابدّ أنكم سمعتموني: أن إسرائيل لن تكتفي بهذه الاتفاقيات، وإنها تعتبر الحكومات العربية من النيل إلى الفرات حكومات غاصبة.

- إسرائيل يجب أن تمحي من صفحة الوجود.

- على كل مسلم أن يعد نفسه لمواجهة إسرائيل.

- لا تدعموا إسرائيل عدوة الإسلام والعرب، فهذه الأفعى الضعيفة إذا اشتدت، لن ترحم صغيراً ولا كبيراً.

- على جميع أحرار العالم المؤيدين للأمة الإسلامية، أن يدينوا اعتداءات إسرائيل غير الإنسانية.

- سوف نرفض إسرائيل، ولن يكون لنا معها أيّة علاقة، فهي كيان غاصب ومعاد لنا.

- إنني أعلن لجميع مسلمي العالم ولجميع الدول الإسلامية أينما كانوا، أن الشيعة الأعزاء منتفرون من إسرائيل وعملائها، ومنتفرون من الحكومات المساومة لإسرائيل.

- لن تكون لنا علاقات مع إسرائيل لأنها غاصبة ومحاربة للمسلمين.

- لقد اغتصبت إسرائيل حقوق العرب، وسوف نقف ضدها.

- إن إسرائيل في حالة حرب ضد المسلمين، وهي غاصبة لأراضي إخواننا، لذا فلن نبيعها النفط.

- إسرائيل مرفوضة عندنا، لن نبيعها النفط أبداً، كما أننا لن نعترف بها رسميا مطلقاً.

- ما لم تثر الشعوب الإسلامية ومستضعفو العالم ضد الاستكبار العالمي وربائبه وخصوصا إسرائيل الغاصبة، فإن أولئك لن يكفوا أيديهم المجرمة عن البلدان الإسلامية.

- إسرائيل غاصبة وعليها أن تغادر فلسطين سريعاً، والحل الوحيد لإعادة الاستقرار إلى المنطقة هو قيام الأخوة الفلسطينيين بأسرع ما يمكن بمحو هذه الجرثومة الفاسدة وقطع جذور الاستعمار.

- إن على حكومات الدول الإسلامية النفطية، استخدام نفطها ومنابعها الأخرى كحربة ضد إسرائيل والمستعمرين.

- على المسلمين عموما والحكومات الإسلامية خصوصاً مواجهة جرثومة الفساد (إسرائيل) بأي نحو ممكن.

- لقد زرعت جرثومة الفساد (إسرائيل) في قلب العالم الإسلامي بدعم من الدول الكبرى، وصارت جذور فسادها تطال الدول الإسلامية تدريجيا، لذا وجب اقتلاع جذورها بهمة الدول الإسلامية والشعوب الإسلامية الكبيرة.

۱۳۸۸ شهریور ۲۳, دوشنبه

Imam sadegh:

آنچه عمر را زياد می‌كند

امام صادق (علیه السلام):

إنْ أحْبَبْتَ أنْ یَزِیدَ اللهُ في عُمرِكَ فَسُرَّ أبَوَیْكَ.

اگر دوست دارى خداوند بر عمرت بيفزايد، پدر و مادرت را شاد كن.

If you would like Allah to increase your lifespan then please your parents.

کتاب زهدِ حسین بن سعید، 33/ 87

۱۳۸۸ شهریور ۱۸, چهارشنبه

World Qods Day

The Friday of every Ramazan

""Cutting ties with the Zionist regime is a must for the Islamic world.""

The ideas of Qods day and the rallies held to celebrate it were proposed by the late
Imam Khomeini, the Founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran,since 1984, to remind the world of the Palestinian plight and the Zionist regime‘s brutalities in the occupied territories. Attended by Muslims around the world, the rally is a slap in the face of the Zionist regime.

The rally will bring together more than a billion Muslims whose main concern is the Palestinian struggle against occupation. It comes in the wake of the meeting of foreign ministers from the 57 countries in the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), which called for the Zionist regime"s withdrawal from Palestinian land.

The founder of Iran‘s Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, has declared as "World Qods Day", on the last Friday of the last day of the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan. Qods referring to Jerusalem.

On this day, U.S. President George W Bush‘s and Sharon‘s effigies, made in different government organizations, are burned before the eyes of domestic and foreign media."(Israeli Prime Minister) Ariel Sharon, the slaughter of Sabra and Shatila refugee camps","Palestine, part of the Islam"s heart and mind," were slogans seen in Tehran and provincial towns.

In Iranian political terminology, Israel is not a nation-state but a cancerous gland on the map, reflecting resentment found in many Middle Eastern governments againstIsrael, more than 50 years after its creation